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Christmas Kitchen

Parmesan & Goats' Cheese Tarts

Start Christmas in style!

At a Glance


Serves 8



Prep Time:

15 mins

Cooking Time:

20 mins

What you'll need:

For the Tarts

  • 1 packet of ready-roll puff pastry
  • 1 egg
  • A little salt and pepper

For the Filling

  • 225g maple smoked bacon, grilled until crisp
  • 200g Goats cheese
  • 200g steamed beetroot, cut into small cubes
  • 80g cranberry sauce
  • A little salt and pepper
  • A handful of chopped chives

To Serve

  • 1 bag of mixed salad leaves
  • A little balsamic dressing


For the tarts:

  1. Preheat the oven.
  2. Lay rolled puff pastry onto a clean work surface. Cut in half, and then cut each half into four squares to make eight small squares of pastry.
  3. Mold the pastry squares into a muffin tray, lightly brush with a beaten egg and bake in a hot oven for 15 minutes until golden and crisp.

For the filling:

  1. Spoon equal amounts of cranberry sauce into the pastry tarts and top with cubes of beetroot, pieces of cooked bacon and crumble with Goats cheese.
  2. Pop into a hot oven for 5 minutes to warm slightly, sprinkle with chives before serving with salad leaves and balsamic dressing.